An accounting of some ventures in the life of grandma and grandpa for the kids, grandkids, friends and those who drop by for a visit.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Granddaughter Turns One

Grandpas and granddaughters were all over the place. This is one of the coolest grandpas.

The first buggy ride is a pretty exciting adventure.

The father of the birthday girl confers with one of the grandmas.

Hmmm, now I wonder where Grandma got this tukiliit?

Ah, Cake. She had been waiting for the cake! We all had been waiting for the cake. Yummy.

Now if she could just get a hold of that hat of Dad's.

Lots of friends and relatives came to celebrate the birthday and what a surprise--pony and buggy rides. The little ones loved this surprise!

Sometimes one just has to take a break and contemplate all the activity.

Gets a helping hand from Mom for her first "Cowgirl up!".

This one year old birthday girl is lucky to have two grandpas

This is the new one year old. She is thinking about giving her Grandpa Coyote a kiss. I don't know why she would get such a big laugh out of that thought. Go figure.

1 comment:

troutbirder said...

They certainly are precious. After a long journey from far away we will be getting a new grandson soon.