An accounting of some ventures in the life of grandma and grandpa for the kids, grandkids, friends and those who drop by for a visit.

Monday, May 21, 2007


The frogs were in the pond the other night trying to get a good night's sleep after a rather small meal of flying insects. While discussing the merits of moving back to the slough and giving up the quiet life in the Betts' pond, a slight sound of something heavy beginning to slip on plastic aroused Betty's interest. Betty frog croaked to Old Henry frog, "What is that noise!" Old Henry said, "Go back to sleep. It is just the sprinkler turning on. The big guy has put a sprinkler beside the pond that turns on at odd hours." Betty said, "I don't thiiii....." At that instant a huge rock located just to the north of the water intake slipped from the side of the pond and crashed into the still water sending up a giant wave (at least to a frog) cresting onto the waterfall. The frogs surfed the wave high into the air before being thrown topsy-turvey onto the rocks of the waterfalls. Betty frog sure thought Henry frog looked silly with his kicking legs spread out above his head while trying to croak out a warning and all the time kicking to dive to the bottom, but his legs were in the air and he could not get any traction or thrust. He just sailed along on top of the wave crest onto the rocks. What an indignity for such a dignified frog!! Well, you can imagine the croaking that Betty frog gave that night to Old Henry frog. The next day they were not to be seen anyplace in or around the pond. I thought they had left, but today we spotted Old Henry back on a lily pad looking for a flying insect to give himslelf up as a meal. We did not see Betty, though. Maybe she thought better of sticking around Old Henry and hopped on back to the slough.

This is the end of the trail,
Papa Coyote

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