An accounting of some ventures in the life of grandma and grandpa for the kids, grandkids, friends and those who drop by for a visit.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Time Does Fly--Here it is almost Christmas

It seems like we just had Christmas and the school year is not even completed and I hear Christmas. You don't believe me? Let me explain. Around here a few weeks before Christmas the sewing machine (hmmmm, more accurately, the sewing machines) hum for hours. J is busy creating and sewing for Christmas. Sewing machine hum is the sound of Christmas in this household. Well, the sewing machines have been humming and humming the past few weeks, so Christmas must be just up ahead. That is how I have been conditioned over the past 40+ years. J has been sewing for the grandsons. J has been sewing tutus. Oh, not for the grandboys. Whew, relax M and G! Tutus to sell in area stores. And little girl dresses to sell in area stores. J made a sell yesterday at the House of Art in Ontario. I am so proud of her. She is very good at creating and sewing cute outfits.

Me--I have been out grubbing in the dirt cleaning up leaves and dead grass around the pond. I am going to have to wade into the pond this year and take out all the pots holding the water grass, water irisis, and the lily pads. They all need dividing and transplanting. That is a major yucky, cold, wet, and muddy job. Yuck. I think I am also going to have to clean the bottom of the pond out this year. Major yuck,

I reached down into the trap of the skimmer box to clean out the leaves before lifting the screens to clean today and got a hold of a big hunk of cold, slimey flesh. Gaaaaaaddddddsssss!! Geez! I about jumped from my knees. I threw the cold, wet, slimey flesh into the pond. Kind of a knee jerk reaction if you know what I mean. At first I had no thought, but as I released it I am thinking someone cut off somebody's hand and threw it in our pond and it ended up in the skimmer box. Yikes! Turned out to be the big old bull frog. He was sound asleep, deep in hibernation. I don't know how he got into the skimmer in his condition. I put him on a rock in the hot sun (well, it was almost 50 today), but he did not wake up. Well, he did open an eye and I think he was winking as if to say, "Haha. Got you old man." I slipped him back into the pond, which is seriously cold, to continue his winter's sleep.

Perry and I have been building set and furnishings for the theater. We about have it done. You can see the barbecue that we built of styrofoam. We also get off task sometimes and Perry has to teach me to tie a fly or three.

By the way do you know what an intelligent, good-looking, sensitive man is called?

A. a rumor


Got to go to bed, this daylight saving time is a killer!


Jenni said...

This isn't related to your post here, but rather to the comment you made on RasJanes blog about my post which she'd linked to (the one about bringing down women).
I LOVED your comment! Now that I've gotten up the guts to break the ice on this stuff, I think that sometime soon I will be writing about cultural perceptions of menstruation. I'd love to have you visit directly!

RasJane said...

Okay, Papa, the CoyoteCubs are "patiently" awaiting the next entry to the Appliance Saga. I'll bet it's good!

PapaCoyote said...

Bah Humbug! Ever since that darn Consumers' Report magazine started coming to the house we have had appliances die. The appliances that die are the ones that are covered in the current edition of CR. Now is that coincidence, or, this just crossed my mind, is my wife sabotaging the appliances after she reads about the new good stuff to be had in the CR? Hmmmmm! Now that is something to ponder.

RasJane said...

No need to sabotage 20+ year old appliances my dear Pa!