Not that I don't like my old buddies, but the change of fishing partners is pretty refreshing.
I have included pictures of the white daisies blooming and the lily pad blooms in the pond. Unfortunately, this hot weather is bringing forth the algae bloom in the pond, also. And you might ask what happened in the living room. M's favorite thing to do here at our house is to gather all the cushions, even the ones in the basement, then make various structures that he can crawl in and out of and even collapse them on Papa Coyote. That may well be his all time favorite thing to do---collapse two-story cushion structures on Papa Coyote. Oh, My Aching Back!
We went to the high school grounds to fly M's new gliding plane. He can toss it about 90 feet on a good toss. He took a look at the rubberized track (the company that installed it is located in Tualitan) and decided to run a quarter mile. This is at noon on a day that is predicted to see 101 degree temperatures. He marks the time on his watch and takes off. He has to walk about a third of it but finishes with a strong 100 yard run in a time of 2 minutes and 29 seconds. I thought that was decent for a nine-year old on a hot day.
I have to go move the water around. When it is this hot, the yard needs extra water in some places.
May the smoke blow in the other guys eyes and all your trails be slightly down hill,
Papa Coyote
1 comment:
Being with ones grandchildren is the greatest. I'm in Colorado now on a similar mission. Back to Minnesota next week.
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