An accounting of some ventures in the life of grandma and grandpa for the kids, grandkids, friends and those who drop by for a visit.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Missing Posts Found

Scroll down past a few of the recent posts to find two posts that disappeared while I was working on them. I did not know that they had been saved without my knowing. Live and learn. You would think that my smart daughter would have clued the "Old Man" into the fact that posts don't really disappear, that they can be found if one clicks on "edit" posts. Since she knows a whole lot more about this blogging business than do I, I know she had to know that. Didn't she????? Hmmmm. But then she probably never makes a posting error and never has had the need to edit a previous post. Now I ponder the possibilities, but think I will start reading another James Doss novel. Maybe even tie a few flies.

My wife believes that success is not a destination, but a continuous journey. Is she right?
Papa Coyote loves you all

1 comment:

troutbirder said...

You wife is right! The question is how come women remember so well the parts of the journey that the male half screwed up? It's amazing. Would love to see some of those beautiful Idaho cutthroats. I've missed my annual trip to Montana the last few years and almost forgot what they look like...(just kidding)