An accounting of some ventures in the life of grandma and grandpa for the kids, grandkids, friends and those who drop by for a visit.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Wedding Bells Are Ringing and The Seamstress Is Getting Rich--NOT

As you can see J is hard at the task of making this wedding dress a few sizes larger. The bride is using her mother's wedding dress and has to have it made a bit larger for her. Seems like this is the trend across the nation, but so far our two offspring have bucked the trend of the expanding waistline.

My excitement today consisted of spending $121 to fill the Dodge pickup and the Camry. Guess which cost 76.20? (Hint: See picture) Also, spent $64 on fertilizers and weed killers. The plan is to keep the yard looking good. As of now, I think the yard is looking as good as it ever has . Mowed the lawn today, again. Looks like this is going to be a twice a week chore, but the exercise is good for me.

Do you want to watch the results of poor skills and bad management? WARNING!! It will be an ugly sight and best not to expose the children to the view. Watch the Seattle Mariners play baseball. They are a pathetic bunch. Even the bad Chicago Cub teams of the late '50's were more exciting than these Mariners. They got a cleanup hitter and first baseman that makes $14 million a year and struggles to stay above the Mendoza Line. They had a backup first baseman that was hitting .438 and making a million a year, so who do they cut? Oh, yeah, the guy hitting .438. Obviously, the GM and the Field Manager have no incentive bonuses written into their contracts.

Tied some more flies tonight in preparation for the Saturday outing to Paddock Reservoir. Should be a crowd there because the word is getting out.

Yeeeeeeeooooooooowww! The word to the wise--don't waste your money on Mariner tickets this year.

Papa Coyote loves you all

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